
For phone orders 24670 83265
Shipping orders abroad

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Parcels are shipped to all regions of Greece. The delivery time of each order depends on the availability of the products listed on each item and the time required for the shipment. To learn about the cost of sending an order, you can place the products in the shopping cart and vary according to the weight and choice of how the products are shipped. Our system will automatically calculate the shipping cost while there may be more than one option to choose the carriage to serve you. In the case where there is no shipping method that satisfies you or if you have to propose an alternative way of transporting the products, please contact us at: +30 24670 83265.

Courier delivery: Courier delivery is recommended for products up to 10kg and low volume. The delivery is charged with an extra € 3 Delivery is usually from 1 to 3 business days. Receipt of products shipped to inaccessible areas is from the nearest or central store in your area.

Transportation by transport company: Large items in bulk and weight (eg furniture) are transported to our agency in Athens, Thessaloniki or Larissa. It would be preferable to have a telephone call for your better service. When shipping with a shipping company, the delivery is not supported.

Receipt from our store: You can pick up your orders from our stores at no charge at the time of our store.

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